A Policy Proposal to the Nunatsiavut Government for the Development of a Labrador Inuit-Specific Toolkit for Potential Entrepreneurs
A beneficiary of the Labrador Inuit Land Claims agreement, Mitchell White was born and raised in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador. It wasn’t until he moved to Nain, Labrador, now the administrative capital of Nunatsiavut, for high school that Mitchell would discover his passion for his Inuit roots and journalism. In order to sharpen his journalistic skills, Mitchell decided to attend the College of the North Atlantic’s journalism program in Stephenville, Newfoundland and eventually returned to the OKâlaKatiget Society as program director. He filled that post for two years before deciding to continue his education at Carleton University where he is currently completing a double major in communications and political science while working part-time as a junior communications officer with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. His Fellowship research examines the obstacles faced by northern entrepreneurs in starting and maintaining small businesses.