While the Toolkit focuses primarily on the mining industry, many of the issues and processes addressed in the Toolkit are relevant to the making of agreements in other industry sectors and contexts, including protected areas, oil and gas, hydro and forestry. The goal of the Toolkit is to help communities, negotiators and consultants achieve positive agreements for Indigenous communities.
With the help of several IBA experts, The Gordon Foundation and The Firelight Group teamed up with author Ginger Gibson to update the Toolkit given the recent changes in legislation and court decisions which may impact negotiations. The new Toolkit is now available for order.
If you need support or training in use of the Toolkit, our training team consists of professionals across Canada with experience in community based negotiations.
Registered charities looking to host an IBA Community Toolkit workshop for the benefit of First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities in Canada should contact The Gordon Foundation to arrange for a trained workshop leader and complimentary Toolkits.
For more information
"Through our experience as negotiators and researchers, we have learned that the process is absolutely critical. Some communities with little legal leverage have achieved successful agreements because they took the time to work out exactly what they wanted and then stayed united, even when things got tough."
Links to download digital copies in French or English can be found above.
Members of Indigenous Communities can request a copy of the IBA Community Toolkit free of charge by emailing [email protected]. Please include how many copies you would like, your preferred language and where you would like the toolkits sent.
Thank you for your interest in the IBA Community Toolkit.
The toolkit is $75 CAD for each copy.
Download the order formSend a cheque for $75 CAD payable to the Walter and Duncan Gordon Charitable Foundation, along with your completed order form to:
The Gordon Foundation
11 Church Street, Suite 400,
Toronto, ON
M5E 1W1
The following resources and links have been curated to offer further support to First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities working on impact and benefit agreements. These resources include national and international benchmarks and tools with a focus on topics including mining, among other industries.
Provides in-depth information about the environmental assessment process: http://www.fneatwg.org
Provides materials on the nature of the process and public involvement in environmental assessments http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca
Provides on-line information and resources on IBAs in Canada: http://www.impactandbenefit.com
NRCan’s mining pages provide a wide range of on-line resources, including an Aboriginal participation section (http://www.rncan-nrcan.gc.ca/smm-mms/abor-auto/index-eng.htm), and the downloadable Mining Information Kit for Aboriginal Communities (http://www.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca/mms-smm/abor-auto/htm/kit-gui-eng.htm).
Australia hosts a database of agreements and other resources: http://www.atns.net.au
Hosts a portal for Aboriginal communities to learn more about careers in mining including education and training programs, and resources such as job descriptions and a downloadable guide on occupations in mining: http://www.aboriginalmining.ca
Provides news and resources at www.miningwatch.ca, including the primer Mining Investors: Understanding the legal structure of a mining company and identifying its management, shareholders and relationship with the financial markets http://www.wman-info.org/resources/technicalreports/Mining_Investors.pdf
News and resources about mining, particularly as they affect indigenous and land-based peoples: http://www.minesandcommunities.org
Very similar to IBAs (and in some cases the term is interchangeable with an IBA), but certain parts of Canada have specific requirements set out under legislation (e.g., the Yukon Oil and Gas Act), or land claim agreements. The Government of Yukon and Kaska Nation, for example, have provided a short Benefits Agreement template publicly available at http://www.emr.gov.yk.ca/oilandgas/pdf/template_benefitsagreement.doc
Supports indigenous peoples involved in land claims, treaty negotiations and resource development, with common tools, such as traditional use studies, GIS mapping and other information systems http://www.nativemaps.org