Changing the Flow: A Blueprint for Federal Action on Freshwater
Changing the Flow: A Blueprint for Federal Action on Freshwater builds on mounting calls from a diverse range of groups and sectors for renewed federal action on water. It establishes what we believe is a compelling case for urgent actions to be undertaken by our federal government, and provides clear and concise direction through 25 recommended actions organized around seven priority areas:
- Enhancing National Capacity for Freshwater Protection
- Responding to the Impacts of Climate Change and Energy Production
- Securing Safe Drinking Water for All Canadians
- Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems and Aboriginal Water Rights
- Promoting a Culture of Water Conservation
- Preventing Interjurisdictional Conflicts and Bulk Water Exports
- Developing World Class Water Science
This blueprint is directed at federal decision-makers and influential policy advisors. Copies of this blueprint have been distributed to every federal Member of Parliament, all federal Senators, and key decision-makers in provincial, territorial and Aboriginal governments.