Deregulate and Empower Language Teachers
Killulark Arngna’naaq is a 2018-2019 Jane Glassco Northern Fellow.
Killulark is an Inuk originally from Qamanit’uaq (Baker Lake) Nunavut, but spent most of her childhood in, and is currently based in Yellowknife, NWT. She completed her BA through Trent University, her Masters of Management and Professional Accounting with the University of Toronto, and attained her CPA, CA designation through the Institute of Chartered Accountancy Ontario. Killulark is currently working for Tides Canada as their Northern Program Specialist.
Killulark’s paper Deregulate and Empower Language Teachers examines policy options for supporting Indigenous language revitalization in the North, and addresses issues teachers and learners are facing.
The Gordon Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to protecting Canada’s water and empowering Canada’s North. Since 2010, The Foundation’s Jane Glassco Northern Fellowship has been providing northerners aged 25 to 35 with a unique opportunity to influence change in the North by participating in an 18-month policy and leadership development program.